Balum is Coming

If you've heard lately that Orrin Russell was killed by a mad grizzly, it's just a rumor. Same goes for me drowning at sea, falling down a mine shaft, getting shot by a displeased deputy.

Fact is, I'm still in Mexico, battling immigration and taking care of my wife and daughter. Everyone is happy and healthy. Though as any new parent knows, me and the missus are a bit shy on sleep.

I write with good news. Damn good news. I've got two books written and edited and ready to go. First off, there's the tenth in the Balum series. After that, the second in the AlbaMar Trilogy.

The only thing standing between these two books and you reading them is the artwork. The illustrator for the first nine Balum books has moved on. He's an amazing artist but life has taken him on a different path. I thank him deeply for his work. Fortunately I've got two illustrators! The great Steve Rodgers, who did the cover art for the Ira Dale Series as well as all the artwork for the first AlbaMar, is on the case. He's a busy man, but once he's finished, the tenth Balum will be on its way to you. If that's two weeks or two months, I can't say. Soon, though. Soon.

AlbaMar will take some time. Steve takes pride in his work, and there are a lot of illustrations to create. I won't rush him. He’ll do them on his own time, more a labor of love than anything esle, and when they’re done I’ll format them into the book and it’ll be in your hands. It’s only a matter of time.


Orrin Russell


Hard News